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Walleye Wraps

Updated: Sep 23, 2023


...or selfishly make as a 1-person feast?

Walleye wraps are the perfect appetizer when hosting guests to be served prior to another fish or seafood entree or even goes well with steak.

Wallye Wraps Recipe

muddled old fashioned cocktail

Nothing is better on a Friday night after a long week of work, than grilling out while enjoying the weather and a muddled old fashioned to go with. Not from the Midwest and have no clue what an old fashioned drink is? Check that recipe out here!

Preheat the Grill & Prep the Ingredients

prep ingredients for walleye wraps

• Preheat grill to medium heat, around 350-400°.

• Soak toothpicks in water. This helps them from burning too easily.

• Cut bacon strips in half.

• Cut walleye fillets into 1-inch chunks.

• Cut green onion tops into 1-inch pieces.

bacon, water chestnut, green onion, walleye
Wrap with Bacon

• Lay half strip of bacon on cutting board. Layer one water chestnut, one piece of green onion, and one piece of walleye on bacon. Wrap bacon tightly and secure with toothpick. Make sure to get the toothpick into the water chestnut. This helps to keep it all together and not fall apart as the fish cooks and gets flakey.

wrap bacon around walleye and secure with toothpick

Oil & Season

Put all walleye wraps on a plate. Drizzle with olive oil and shake on seasonings to your liking.

olive oil and season to your liking


Grill on top rack (helps to keep bacon from flaming up). Occasionally turn with tongs to cook evenly. Total grill time about 12-15 minutes.

walleye wraps on top rack of grill

YUM!!! Enjoy!
Walleye Wraps Recipe



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