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Training Your Pet Rabbit

What's cuter than your 8 year old daughter reading "Training Your Pet Rabbit" to her pet rabbit, Snowball? Nothing.
Ava reading Training Your Pet Rabbit to Snowball

Don't mind all the ladders in the background, haha, we were still in construction phase at this time! :)

Ava LOVES all pets. And some of her favorite books to read are non-fiction pet books — bunnies, dogs, cats. So why not snuggle your fuzzy bunny and read at the same time?


Ava reading Training Your Pet Rabbit to Snowball

We learned a lot from this book. I will share more excerpts in future posts, but here's one that took us awhile to get used to. Rabbits are not the same as having pet dogs and cats, there's more of a learning curve.

Creating a bond with your rabbit. You need to establish a relationship with your rabbit before you can train him, and this means you have to spend time with him, daily. You need to hang out together so to speak, so he knows you a bit and you know him, and so the two of you can learn to trust each other.

This is not a "kids" book. So very proud of Ava for reading all the big words (with help) and it's a very good read if you have or are considering getting a pet rabbit. We love our fuzzy bunny!


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