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Spring Porch Decor

There is sooo much DIY packed into this spring porch along with just thrifty shopping. ;) If you want to learn how to make these DIYs, sign up for a private party or workshop at Sip-n-Stain. Not a DIYer, order a custom made sign, rug, floral or anything I've shown.

I LOVE my front porch. My favorite space to decorate outside.

Spring porch decor

spring porch decor

Want to learn how to make a Porch Sign? Sign up for a Sip-n-Stain workshop!

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spring door hanger artificial flowers and greens basket

In Wisconsin, in "Spring" it just snowed, and I waited until right after that last snowfall to do my porch decor. LOL So all my "florals and greenery" currently are artificial. That way, they look BEAUTIFUL until May when it finally is consistently warm enough to have real plants and flowers. I've never done this before with my spring porch, but I LOVE it!

To keep the florals in the basket, I used these floral foam bulk packs from Amazon.

spring front porch rug layers

Layered rugs are all the rage right now, so why not on your porch too?! My fave color is green if you haven't noticed already, so I found this cute natural runner rug on Shein to add color. I bought a plain doormat rug from a department store for $7, then stenciled my design on it. So easy. So fun.

Want to learn how to make a custom door mat? Sign up for a Sip-n-Stain workshop!

custom stencil for door mat diy

artificial greens and flowers for spring porch decor with solar lantern and vintage watering can

Believe it or not, these are all artificial greens and flowers. I only buy high quality, realistic faux florals. There is a huge difference in feel and looks. A lot of what I buy is from JoAnn Fabrics, but there are a lot you can get from Amazon also. The pretty black solar lanterns are from Dollar Tree and the vintage watering can I got from a rummage sale years ago. Wood crates are WONDERFUL for decorating and storage in LOTS of ways...more to come on that later!!!

Like my 2 planters?? I took 2 outdated/worn out planters and re-plastered and painted over them!! SO FUN and SOOOO EASY!

Want to learn how? Sign up for a Sip-n-Stain workshop!

Stairway Shelf Spring Decor

Pillow covers were purchased from Shein. Custom "hello Spring" porch sign made by Sip-n-Stain.

Want a fun night or day out with friends?

Message me at  Sip-n-Stain Facebook Page to host your own painting/craft party. Located in Hilbert, WI.


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