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Mother-Daughter Activity #4

Updated: Feb 4

I still can't believe I got Ava to get me to JOG around the block the other night... a whole half mile. I love to walk, do yoga, lift weights, but I'm not a runner, especially not at this age. But I did it anyway and survived! Only took my 20 minutes afterwards for my breathing to go back to normal (asthma...ugh).

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But then I got her to go down into our basement and do my kind of workout. We have a projector in the basement, so that's why our videos are dark as you have to turn the lights out to view it. But it's really nice because I have the projector hooked up to my Roku so we can stream YouTube to watch exercise videos.

Ava likes to do Cosmic Kids Yogo on YouTube. She does a wonderful job of storytelling while doing the yoga moves to make it fun for the kids.

I prefer to do Tai Chi and Yoga. Back in the day when I had a gym membership to Experience Fitness, they used to do Bodyflow by Les Mills. So when I go on YouTube and search for anything Les Mills as I really prefer that style of yoga, tai chi and even their weightlifting videos.

Ava's only 9, so I don't let her lift anything too heavy, so just the bar and just a couple reps. I'm not even sure how much my bar weighs, but it's not the standard 45 lb. bar, it's light. The hardest part is getting her to listen and do proper technique. Because I'm mom, and what do I know?! I only weightlifted all through high school and competed...

Yes, I was in the weightlifting club in high school sophomore through senior year and competed. I have to thank Milt Shimek for all I learned there, and I really enjoyed favorite sport in high school besides volleyball by far! One year, Mr. Loofboro even convinced me to try Olympic Style Powerlifting and competing, so I did that too! I haven't done this in 20+ years so don't be too critical of my clean and jerk technique below... LOL.

If you have room in your basement, I highly recommend a workout area. I bought a few sets of these black foam mat puzzle pieces and they are awesome! Probably going to buy one more set since we keep expanding our workout area. They come in a variety of colors and square footage, so just depends on what you're looking for.

My bench press I actually got for free on the side of the road, lol. It has a few tears in the padding, and looks ugly brown, but that'll be another fun project later on to recover and spray paint!

My weight set all came from Les Mills as I have their DVD set also.

Not shown in our pictures, but we also have a stationary recumbent bicycle that I got for only $15 at the local thrift store!

My parents got Ava this swing last year for Christmas. It is BY FAR HER FAVORITE thing in the whole basement. She doesn't go down there without swinging around at least one time, and her friends love it too!

Other Mother-Daughter Activities:


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