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Meet Snowball, Our Pet Bunny

With all my talk of launching a blog and starting a side business, I created a mini entrepreneur monster. LOL Ava (8 years old) so desperately wanted to start her own business to make money. Her ideas started out at the typical lemonade stand, but moved on to silly things like pizza delivery and more. Then one night the conversation turned into an argument on what business she could start. (She gets so frustrated when I point out why her ideas might now work.)

But then she said, "But Mom, I just want to be like you!" My heart melted, and I'm glad I'm making a positive influence on her.

What does this have to do with our pet rabbit, Snowball?!

Ava will be taking over and adding on the Snowball, our pet bunny, portion of the blog. While she's not ready to actually post and type up the blog yet, she's helping provide ideas, content, photos and videos. All affiliate proceeds for this portion, go to my daughter, Ava.

But let's be real, kids and technology are moving fast, so it probably won't be long before she's taking over!!

In Ava's words...

Meet Snowball. He's our cute, little bunny. He's 1.5 years old. He's a Holland Lop with blue eyes. He's the super fuzziest "bun bun" ever.

Things pet bunnies don't like:

  • loud noises

  • fast movements

  • not big on cuddling once they're older, but we're warming up to that

Two of Ava's school projects from the past year :)

Stay tuned for more cuteness!!!


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