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Influenza - Stomach Bug - Crohn's Flare Up

AMK2Designs with textured art canvases
It has not been a fun last 3-4 weeks... like many other families this winter, I'm sure you've had some illnesses. I haven't been that sick in a long time, so it hit me hard, hence the lack of blog posts.

But I'm finally starting to feel better and accomplished a lot today!

< Check out my cool new TEXTURED canvas art! More to come on that later.

Update on the medical yuck...

I got Influenza B and it kicked my but for at least a week — then of course, Ava got it the following week. After that, I may have gotten a stomach bug along with a Crohn's flare up or just a really bad Crohn's flare...hard to say. With all that going on, I still had more tests and procedures done:

  1. Had a CT scan again to remove the excess abdominal fluid around my ovaries. Very odd procedure, but not really a big deal compared to all my other craziness. They removed 160 oz. of tea colored fluid. Good news — nothing bad found in the fluid!

  2. Saw 2 new GI doctors at St. Luke's in Milwaukee, they seem like they know their stuff, so that's good.

  3. While at St. Luke's (the first time), I got an MRI done on my liver. Those tests came back with nothing bad to report. So just lab tests occasionally to keep an eye on my liver.

  4. Had to go back to St. Luke's the following week for an EGD and Ileoscopy. Of course they found significant amounts of inflammation — nothing new for me there. :( They are starting me on a second biologic drug, and my first loading dose is next week. Hopefully it'll work and kick the inflammation in my guts hard! I'm currently back on 1 month dose of prednisone in the meantime...

Other than that, I'm doing great. Haha! I've survived worse. Just hope the new drug works.

I'm hoping that being very open with my medical history and issues helps others going through anything similar and knowing that you are not alone. If you have related issues and want to discuss, comment below or shoot me a message. Maybe we can help each other out. ;)

1 Comment

Mar 24

Good thing you’re one tough cookie!!

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