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How to Take the Skin Off Walleye

I've tried cutting the skin off before, but you end up loosing a lot of the meat. And you can't leave it on because then it leaves a bad "too fishy " taste!

So I learned a trick from the seafood truck sale guy at the local grocery store. When the fish is still frozen (I let mine sit on the counter a little bit first to thaw just a little), bend/break a small end of the walleye and slowly peel back the skin. The key is to do it while it's frozen!!

Amazing. Easy. Satisfying... then YUM!

This first night we tried one recipe with light seasoning and baked in the oven. It was good, but I think we could do was a little blah, so I won't share that recipe.

We have some more walleye fillets left in the freezer, so next time I want to try one of these 2 recipes. I'll let you know how it turns out and update the post then. :)


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