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How and Why I Started My First At-Home Business...and Now The AMK2 Blog

Updated: Oct 24, 2023

Sip-n-Stain Logo

Did you know that way back in 2019 I started my first at-home business called Sip-n-Stain?

I held workshop painting parties teaching others how to use my Cricut stencils to paint personalized porch signs, indoor wall decor, wreaths and more.

Sip-n-Stain Painting Party

Aside from the local shop having stopped doing these popular events, I was driven by my lack of sleep, of all things... Why just think of all these ideas in bed and not just get up and do it. So I started a small business.

So here's my first blog post — written in bed — on my phone...

Here I am again, 4:00 am for the 4th night in a row, wide awake with my mind going 90 miles another. Why can't I sleep?! If any of you have other chronic illnesses like Crohn's, you probably have taken Prednisone and know exactly what I'm talking about. Prednisone is a powerful steroid that really works well to "cure" not only my stomach ailments but also my irritating skin issues and more. But like any other drug there are side effects — insomnia for me. So my wonderful doctor also gives me a high powered sleeping pill while I'm on prednisone, which does help, but not nearly enough...

Me with makeup and hair done
Me Makeup On — I'm not comfortable showing the "before" pic, haha
Side Note: If anybody has any good skincare recommendations that actually work and don't cost hundreds of dollars for reducing dark eye circles and age spots...comment please! I wear makeup everyday, but I'd prefer to actually repair the skin instead of layering more makeup to cover it up, lol. ;)

Prednisone also gives me "super powers" to take charge, say what's on my mind and not take anyone's crap — lol. I already have those things in me, but it really brings it out more!

Now don't get me wrong, I'm not a drug company pushing steroids... just trying to explain my crazy medical life roller coaster. You don't want to be on these drugs if you absolutely don't need them, there are bad side effects besides lack of sleep.

Side Note: Find a good doctor. If the first one you go to isn't listening or your personalities are just not a good fit...try another doctor. IT MAKES A WORLD OF DIFFERENCE AND YOUR HEALTH IS SO IMPORTANT.

Oh, why am I on Prednisone right now?

The last couple months I've been quite stressed and the anxiety goes right to my gut sending my GI into a flare up. Along with the nonstop headaches, it's amazing all that I accomplish in a day — especially on 4 hours of sleep. Working full time as a graphic designer, starting this blog and now doing house floor plans as another side hustle. 3 jobs for this single mom! I'm a go-getter and wish there were more hours in the day, so much I want to do and take on.

Why did I start THIS blog?

  1. I really wanted to show off my new home design by sharing my ideas, and how to save money while doing it. I found a lot of great deals online, put in a lot of sweat equity and thought, "why not help others", and hopefully make a small commission through affiliate marketing. Please go to any of my blog posts that show Amazon links, use those links to take you to Amazon, then continue on with your normal Amazon shopping. You are not obligated to buy the items I mention if they aren't for you, but I might make a small commission on the other items you purchase. HINT HINT!

  2. I wanted to help out other single moms with fun activities to do with their daughters: cooking, crafts and other fun things we do.

  3. I love art, crafting and decor and still like to share the DIY projects.

  4. I love cooking, when I have time, and like to share our favorite recipes.

  5. I'm hoping to be an inspiration to others who have gone through all or some of the things I have — chronic illness, divorce, custody battles, single parenthood — and still show that you can do anything you put your mind to.... like building a new home, starting your own business and still be a great parent!

  6. I want to be a positive influence on my daughter, and show her that you can do anything you put your mind to!!!

More to come on my crazy medical roller coaster. I've been diagnosed with colitis then crohn's since high school, so about 25 years experience in dealing with my messed up guts. More tips & tricks, and what did and didn't work for me in future posts. So follow me to keep up!

2 commentaires

09 oct. 2023

From what I hear, being on prednisone is rough! I am impressed with you working so much on so little sleep-but I wish you could sleep better. It's not easy. <3

10 oct. 2023
En réponse à

You're right, the prednisone really is a roller coaster ride. I go 90 miles an hour during the day (and at night) and can feel like super woman with all I'm accomplishing...but there's no downtime. I can't relax decent, can't sleep decent. I eventually crash, but no way I can get in a full 7-8 hours of much needed sleep.

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