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GRIT = Guts + Resilience + Initiative + Tenacity

AMK2 Designs Baseball Hat

Dec. 31, 2023 I posted this on Facebook:
So...I started out my morning deciding I should check if my test results came through from my CT Scan... now regretting that and wishing I would've just waited for the doctor to call me next week to dumb it down and explain it to me. Basically a long list of notes from the lab result person in medical lingo, but I caught enough words to know that it's not "nothing" which I should've known or I wouldn't be having issues, right?! But the end of the results says that they recommend I follow up with an MRI probably. So I guess I'll be maxing out my insurance early in 2024 instead of the last 2 weeks of 2023...I was doing so well... UGH.

Needed to vent on that... Now I can focus on getting my projects done for the day and getting ready for our mini New Year's Eve Party!

Whatever life throws at me, I've survived and surpassed, so I can do it again. GRIT. RESILIENCE. DETERMINATION. Bring it on 2024!

CT Scan Results — What?! I only expected GI bad news...
  1. Ovarian cyst with fluid around my ovaries about the size of a cell phone...way more than the average woman, so I'm above average here. ;) LOL Gotta crack jokes, it's laugh or cry friends!

  2. Nutmeg like liver. WTF?! Congestion in my liver, I guess, but nobody seems to know what the "nutmeg" reference really means, but I'm about to find out tomorrow when I finally get to meet with the hepatology doc... so I will fill you all in on that. Even stumps the "regular" doctors...haha!

  3. This is what I was actually expecting from the CT scan: another stricture in my intestines.

Stricture is a narrowing of part of the intestine because of scar tissue in its wall. Strictures are more commonly seen in Crohn's disease than in ulcerative colitis. In Crohn's disease, 25% of patients have had at least one stricture in their small intestine and 10% have had a stricture in their large intestine.

Update on the medical yuck...

In the last 5 weeks, I've been to several doctor appointments... fun stuff.

  1. Had an ultrasound done to check out the ovarian fluid stuff... which in turn ended up having me to be scheduled for another CT scan, to be done next week. Then most likely draining of that excess fluid. Honestly, procedure seems like a walk in the park compared to everything else I've been through, so I'm OK with that if it fixes the problem or potential problem.

  2. Liver doctor tomorrow...I'm hoping nothing serious and just something to keep an eye on for now... we will see.

  3. Got referred to a "higher up" GI doc at St. Luke's in Milwaukee... that appointment is in March. Right now, off the prednisone and feeling "OK". So I take that as a win, assuming the prednisone did its job and reduced the inflammation flare up.

I'm hoping that being very open with my medical history and issues helps others going through anything similar and knowing that you are not alone. If you have related issues and want to discuss, comment below or shoot me a message. Maybe we can help each other out. ;)

All you mothers will appreciate this — especially you single moms and anyone with medical issues working full-time AND with multiple jobs.

This is my week:

  • Tues: work full-time job, meet with clients for house plan design changes, work on this weekends Sip-n-Stain painting party stencils and sand boards

  • Wed: liver doctor, full-time job, meet with other clients for complete change to house design plans, spend time with Ava, supper, homework, snuggle time, etc.

  • Thurs: full-time job, leave early to take Ava to dentist appointment, tickets to high school play with Ava...woo! something fun!

  • Fri: full-time job, spend 1.5 hours with Ava after school, drop her off by her dad's for the weekend, hurry home and prepare/host Sip-n-Stain painting party

  • Sat: work on revised house plans and other home projects, clean (maybe)

  • Sun: work on revised house plans and other home projects, Super Bowl party...maybe...we'll see if I'm still up for it...haha


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