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DIY Garage Organization Carts

I thought about Dad a lot last weekend... I was busy in the garage and built a few things to help organize my wood piles. I also built a cart for one of his old air compressors. I miss him a lot...

Back when Dad was in the hospital, I couldn't wait to show him what I had worked on the weekend before to see what he thought, and if he liked it. Most days, he wasn't awake enough to have a conversation with. But I always wanted to show him and talk woodworking projects.

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Scrap Wood Organizer Cart

For the scrap wood organizer cart, I used 3 pallets and used scrap wood from Dad's driveway concrete form and leftover temporary stair treads from my house. It's nothing pretty, but it was cheap, easy and it's super functional! ;) The 3 inch heavy duty castors make it super easy to move things around the garage when I need to reorganize. I know Dad would've made something super professional, but I hope he's proud I'm being scrappy! :D

Air Compressor Cart

The air compressor cart was made from all scrap wood besides the 2x4 rectangle frame. I used an oak cabinet door from Mom & Dad's first house as the base...Dad would be proud of me there! ;) The handles were also from the driveway concrete framing along with a leftover dowel piece. I added 2 hooks to the handles for the hose and cord. And of course, 2 inch castors to easily wheel the heavy compressor around!


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