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Updated: Oct 31, 2023

Me wearing Grit Earrings

Check out my new earrings! I'm a sucker for Facebook ads as they know me so well, and I came across the website for

The earrings are truly exquisite and a unique addition to my collection. What truly captivated me, however, was the heartfelt personal message that accompanies each piece of jewelry.

She is unshakable not because she doesn’t know pain or failure, but because she always pushes through. Because she always shows up and never gives up. Because she believes anything is possible no matter the odds. And perhaps what makes her beautiful has less to do with what lies upon the surface and more to do with what lies within. She isn’t just beautiful because of her appearance. No, she is beautiful because of the way she chooses to live and love. In the way she embraces all of life’s experiences — good or bad. In her willingness to bend but never break, and in her courage to believe that the darkness can’t hold her as long as she continues to create her own light. She is just like a pearl­ — made from grit but full of grace. She is unstoppable — she knows it's not what happens, but how she chooses to respond, with perseverance in her mind and passion in her heart.

Check out the You Are My Sunshine earrings I bought my daughter.

1 comentário

18 de out. de 2023

I noticed them tonight when we were there.

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